About Me

   Welcome! I’m glad you're checking out my blog. Long story short, my name is Victoria Larochelle and I am a 21 year old Canadian, wife, christian, money saver, foster parent, DIYer and full time mommy!

We just bought our first house and calling it a 'fixer upper' would be a total understatement! It's getting better though, one project at a time!

I spend my time cleaning, experimenting in my kitchen, crafting, cuddling up with my adorable kitty,

finding ways to save money and just trying to enjoy the simple things in life with my favourite men. 

Finding a great deal, hearing a favourite song on the radio and drinking a nice cup of tea are just a few things that will make my day! 

Things I love to share about include great deals I found recently, basic recipes and price breakdowns on how cooking from scratch is usually cheaper (and just better in general!), craft projects I am working on and just basically anything else that seems interesting. I am not super creative and I doubt any of my ideas are things that haven't been though of before, however, I just love to share and hope that this blog would be an encouragement and motivation for money saving, cooking from scratch and just appreciating and enjoying the simple things in life!


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